kupno | sprzedaż | |
Brazilian real |
0.65000 | 0.88000 |
If you are looking for a good exchange rate for the Brazilian real, the currency exchange office in DH Kameleon purchases and sells at the rate presented above in the exchange rate table, the website also presents current banknotes that are legal tender in Brazil and we only buy those that are available with us. We try to ensure that each banknote is described, has a year or series and a denomination. For tourists planning a trip to wonderful Brazil, we invite you to buy the currency, current denominations: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 reais.
A symbolic image of the Republic presented in the form of a sculpture.
The reverse shows the Polish name: pampas crested owl.
The theme is very similar to the one above
On the reverse there is a giant grouper fish.
The reverse shows an American jaguar leaning on a tree trunk and walking through the forest.
The reverse shows an image of a Green-winged Macaw parrot.
The reverse shows a drawing of a white heron
Image in portrait orientation.
The reverse of this banknote features a picture of a hawksbill turtle.
Series 1 Family
Image orientation vertical