kupno | sprzedaż | |
Bulgarian lev |
2.13100 | 2.26400 |
kupno | sprzedaż | |
Bulgarian lev |
2.12000 | 2.28000 |
Are you looking for a good Bulgarian leva exchange rate? Check out our Kameleon currency exchange offer, including wholesale and retail prices - and always the best price for regular customers. We only exchange banknotes presented on the website - the value, series or year of issue are given because they are banknotes. Banknotes are especially popular during the holiday season. Origins of the currency: the Bulgarian lev was first issued in 1881, when the countrys territory separated from the Ottoman Empire and a new state was created, and at that time it was equal to the French franc. For tourists, the import and export of any currency is not restricted, however, a declaration is required and there are restrictions on the export of Bulgarian currency, in case of return exchange, you must keep the exchange receipts.