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kupno sprzedaż
Czech crown CZK
Czech crown
0.16410 0.16790

Cena detaliczna
kupno sprzedaż
Czech crown CZK
Czech crown
0.16200 0.17100

Czech koruna exchange rate

We present the current exchange rate of the Czech koruna at the exchange office, and the website also includes current banknotes in circulation. Are you planning to exchange Czech currency? Max currency exchange office invites you - for a larger amount you can get a better price!

The Czech koruna has been the official currency of the Czech Republic since 1993. After the breakup of Czechoslovakia, the currency emerged as the successor to the Czechoslovak koruna. Initially, the first series of Czech koruna banknotes was issued by stamping existing Czechoslovak koruna banknotes in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 crowns, then in the same year a new series was introduced, consolidating the nations separate identity in terms of means of payment.

The Czech Republic initially presented plans to switch to the euro in 2010, but in 2005 the government indefinitely suspended this ambitious project. Despite the countrys strong economic position and readiness to adopt the euro, a significant part of society remains against this currency change. In fact, a 2014 survey showed that only 16% of the public supported replacing the krone with a European currency, reflecting the complex and evolving dynamics of currency choice in the Czech Republic.

Discovering the interesting history of the Czech currency

  • Did you know that Heller coins that were once in circulation were eventually phased out due to their production cost being more than twice their face value? This intriguing detail underscores the countrys unwavering commitment to maintaining an efficient and economically sound monetary system.
  • Another important piece of information is that the Czech Republic is the only region that was once part of Austria-Hungary that still uses the krone as its currency. This unique selection reflects the countrys deep historical roots and its distinctive financial identity.
  • Moreover, the Czech currency is exceptionally stable in Europe, which proves the resilience of the local economy. As a result, the Czech koruna exchange rate remains particularly stable, strengthening its reputation as one of the most reliable and stable currencies on the continent.
Obverse 5000 kroner banknote - series from 2009
Obverse 5000 kroner banknote - series from 2009

The obverse is decorated with a portrait of the first president of Czechoslovakia and professor of philosophy and sociologist Tomáš Masaryk.

Reverse 5,000 crown banknote - series from 2009
Reverse 5,000 crown banknote - series from 2009

The reverse shows the Czech coat of arms and shows the most important buildings in the capital.

Obverse 2000 kroner banknote - series from 2007
Obverse 2000 kroner banknote - series from 2007

A portrait of the famous opera singer: Ema Destinnová decorates the obverse of this banknote, additional elements include a peculiar musical instrument, a lyre and laurels.

Reverse 2000 kroner banknote - series from 2007
Reverse 2000 kroner banknote - series from 2007

The painting shows the head of the musical muse with a cello and violin surrounded by laurels.

Obverse 1000 kroner banknote - series from 2008
Obverse 1000 kroner banknote - series from 2008

The main color is purple, the image of Franciszek Palacki, a historian and politician. In the middle you can see an uprooted tree.

Reverse of the 1000 crown banknote - series from 2008
Reverse of the 1000 crown banknote - series from 2008

The image of an eagle with spread wings over the Archbishops Castle in Kroměříž, where in 1848 the constitution preparing the parliament of the Austrian Empire was adopted.

Obverse of the 500-crown banknote - series from 2009
Obverse of the 500-crown banknote - series from 2009

Who is this woman on the obverse? Writer Božena Němcová, she created the foundations of Czech prose.

Reverse 500-Kronen-Banknote – Serie von 2009
Reverse 500-Kronen-Banknote – Serie von 2009

Der Gewinner symbolisiert alle weiblichen Charaktere in Němcovás Büchern.

Obverse of the 200-crown banknote - series from 2018
Obverse of the 200-crown banknote - series from 2018

The portrait shows the philosopher, reformer and mainly educator Jan Ámos Komenský.

Reverse of the 200-krona banknote - series from 2018
Reverse of the 200-krona banknote - series from 2018

The image shows two hands trying to connect, next to 4 coats of arms and in the lower one an open book.

Obverse of the 100 kroner banknote - series from 2018
Obverse of the 100 kroner banknote - series from 2018

The obverse is decorated with a portrait of Charles IV, king of Bohemia from 1346, you can also see a silver Prague coin from that period.

Reverse 100 kroner banknote - series from 2018
Reverse 100 kroner banknote - series from 2018

The reverse is decorated with a beautifully crafted and decorated seal of Charles University in Prague.