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Icelandic krona ISK
Icelandic krona
0.02460 0.02940

Cena detaliczna
kupno sprzedaż
Icelandic krona ISK
Icelandic krona
0.02350 0.03000

Icelandic krona exchange rate in Wrocław

We present you the current prices for buying and selling the Icelandic krona currency at the Kameleon exchange office in the center of Wrocław. The website also presents banknotes in circulation. As in other Nordic countries, the name of the currency here is the krone, although you can also hear kall when in Iceland.

Obverse of the 10,000 crowns banknote from 2001.
Obverse of the 10,000 crowns banknote from 2001.

On the obverse of the banknote with the largest denomination there is a portrait of Jónas Hallgrímsson, an outstanding poet and naturalist.

Reverse of the 10,000 kroner banknote from 2001.
Reverse of the 10,000 kroner banknote from 2001.

The left side of the painting shows a plover bird in the background in the middle of the handwritten poem Skjaldbreiður Mountain.

Obverse of the 5,000 kroner banknote from 2003.
Obverse of the 5,000 kroner banknote from 2003.

The obverse shows the wife of Bishop Gísli Þorláksson - probably the most beautiful Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir, and the other two together with the bishop in the upper right corner.

Reverse of the 5,000 kroner banknote from 2003.
Reverse of the 5,000 kroner banknote from 2003.

The painting shows two students during embroidery classes, taught by Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir.

Obverse of the 2,000 kroner banknote from 2001.
Obverse of the 2,000 kroner banknote from 2001.

Portrait of Jóhannes S. Kjarval against the background of nature. The value of the image is given in the upper corners. At the bottom left there is the issue law, signatures and the name of the bank. The written value is elegantly presented in the central area.

Reverse of the 2,000 kroner banknote from 2001.
Reverse of the 2,000 kroner banknote from 2001.

The subject on the obverse is the works of Jóhannes S. Kjarval, paintings Longing for Flight and the drawing Woman and Flowers, Kjarvals signature adorns the lower right corner, while the values ​​are discreetly placed in the upper right and lower left corners.

Obverse of the 1,000 kroner banknote from 2001.
Obverse of the 1,000 kroner banknote from 2001.

On the right, a half-figure portrait of the Lutheran Bishop of Skálholt, Brynjólfur Sveinsson, reading the Bible.

Reverse of the 1,000 kroner banknote from 2001.
Reverse of the 1,000 kroner banknote from 2001.

The painting shows the 17th century Skálholt Cathedral in the background, a side view of the cathedral and the church decoration.

Obverse of the 500 kroner banknote from 2001.
Obverse of the 500 kroner banknote from 2001.

The portrait shows the elderly Jón Sigurðsson, a political activist fighting for independence.

Reverse of the 500 kroner banknote from 2001.
Reverse of the 500 kroner banknote from 2001.

The reverse shows Jón Sigurðsson at work and the Parliament Building can be seen in the background.