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Jordanian dinar |
5.18386 | 7.09370 |
At our exchange office we offer the exchange of Jordanian dinar, the current buying and selling price is presented in the table above, which is negotiable depending on the amount of currency exchanged. Before selling, please check whether you have banknotes in circulation because we only buy such banknotes and although we also offer purchase of withdrawn banknotes, they mainly concern European currencies.
Paper currency banknotes are in circulation in denominations of 50 dinars, 20 dinars, ten dinars, five dinars and one dinar.
King Abdullah I on the right, Jerusalem in the center.
Porter of the former King of Jordan Hussein ibn Talal in the background the King Hussein Mosque.
A beautiful image of Wadi Mujib also known as the Arnon Stream.
On the obverse is a portrait of Talal bin Abdullah and the desert castle of Qasr Amra.
The reverse shows the Roman theatre in Amman in blue.
In the background you can see the ruins of the city of Petra and the obverse is decorated with a portrait of King Abdullah of Jordan.
The reverse shows the Tholos, a small round temple, and Khazne al-Firaun, the pharaohs treasury.
The portrait on the obverse is Hussein Ibn Ali Sharif, Emir of Mecca and King of Hijaz.
The obverse shows the Wadi Rum mountains and, in the foreground, a Sinai goldfinch.